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Seasonal changes in temperature, Chinese medicine to treat asthma without steroids

During the seasonal switch, the temperature fluctuates, making it easy to induce asthma. According to statistics, one out of every five children in Taiwan has allergies, and allergy sufferers are most afraid of asthma attacks during the seasonal switch. Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee said, asthma represents the kidney Yang deficiency, must start from adjusting the body, maintain the balance of the internal organs of Qi and blood, dampness, heat out of the body, you can get rid of asthma.

Generally, Western medicine is to use steroids to treat severe asthma flare-ups, but it will cause many adverse side effects that are worrying, including moon face, buffalo shoulder, mucous membrane atrophy, osteoporosis and other side effects. Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee said, in fact, the kidneys not only filter blood, dialysis blood toxin function, the adrenal glands will secrete adrenal cortex, that is the body’s own production of steroids, as long as the kidney function is good, there is no need to use synthetic steroids.

Why do we have allergies and asthma? Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that from a Chinese medicine point of view, the kidney yang is the deepest “engine” in the internal organs, which disperses heat throughout the body and allows the internal organs to function normally; when the kidney yang is insufficient, the kidney qi cannot function and heat accumulates in the body and cannot be dispersed, which will cause skin eczema, runny nose, lung obstruction, asthma, breathing difficulties and other diseases.

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Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee emphasized that Chinese medicine divides the five elements into five organs: water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces gold, and gold produces water. The five elements produce each other, which means that kidney qi helps produce liver qi, liver qi helps produce heart qi, heart qi helps produce spleen and stomach qi, spleen and stomach qi helps produce lung qi, lung qi helps produce kidney qi, and the internal organs affect each other. When the kidney qi is insufficient, the heat cannot be fully vaporized, which affects the spleen, stomach, heart and lungs, and prevents normal sweating and heat dissipation, resulting in heat accumulation and stuffiness in the body, which can easily lead to allergies and asthma. Children with allergies are often physically uncoordinated, with their bodies afraid of heat and their tracheas and noses afraid of cold, and they kick the covers at night when they are covered with quilts, while their noses get stuffy when they are not covered, and they cough and asthma.

In order to get rid of allergies and asthma, we must start by regulating the body constitution. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee pointed out that dampness and heat accumulation in the body are due to the lack of kidney energy and the dysfunction of the liver in nutrition and gasification. Chinese medicine can improve the physical condition and regulate the internal organs. By tonifying the kidney yang, the kidney qi deficiency can be improved, and nourishing the liver can rebuild good nutrition and vaporization, so that the nutrients in the blood can be completely absorbed and the heat can be completely burned, so that there will be no dampness or heat in the body and it will not be easy to catch a cold, asthma or allergies.

In addition, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee also said that in addition to Chinese medicine to restore the normal functioning of the internal organs, meditation can also cultivate the function of the kidney Yang, close the eyes, eyes down, watch the heart, watch the Dantian, so that the body to form a positive cycle, usually also balanced diet, normal daily routine, and regular exercise habits, so that the body back to the Yang, immunity is normal, can be normal sweating, regulate body temperature, you can get rid of Allergies.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Geng-Ru Guo reports 2014/10/21

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