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Chest discomfort or pain doesn’t necessarily mean heart disease. Western medicine may diagnose near-death situations, but they can be rescued by traditional Chinese medicine!

Chest tightness and pain may not necessarily be a heart disease! A patient, the carbon dioxide concentration in their blood can reach as high as 146mmHg, and they are diagnosed with heart and lung failure by Western doctors, on the verge of death. However, after being treated by Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee, they miraculously come back to life in just a few days! Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that according to the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the organs in the human body will affect each other. Symptoms such as chest tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath are not necessarily related to the heart or lungs but rather to the “kidney Qi”. The patient can only be cured by treating the root cause of the problem.

The patient was on the verge of death, struggling to breathe, but traditional Chinese medicine restored their heart and lung function by regulating the liver and kidney

The Chinese medicine Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee stated that a patient once lost consciousness and stopped breathing. The Western doctor took a blood sample and found that the patient’s blood carbon dioxide concentration was as high as 146 mmHg, indicating a lack of oxygen in the brain and being on the verge of death. Using the traditional Chinese medicine method of administering medicine through the patient’s nose, the patient’s eyelids began to twitch shortly after. The following day, the patient could lift his hands, which was miraculous for his family.

Another Japanese patient was also declared to have ineffective treatment by the hospital, and the family hoped for a “last-ditch effort.” After receiving treatment with Chinese medicine prescribed by Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, the patient woke up three days later and recovered. The patient even presented a certificate of appreciation to express gratitude. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee emphasized that the interactive relationship within the human body is a strength of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, in this case, the treatment focused on adjusting the liver and kidney functions to restore the heart and lung functions.

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When experiencing chest tightness, forcefully inhaling can be even more dangerous. Instead, it’s recommended to slow down and gently regulate your breathing to facilitate proper air exchange

When experiencing chest tightness and shortness of breath, many people tend to panic and take deep breaths. However, according to Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, this is a wrong approach that can lead to incomplete breathing. Forcing oneself to take deep breaths when unable to breathe can cause cardiovascular problems, prolapse of the mitral valve or tricuspid valve, and even blood backflow. When the muscles contract, the blood vessels will constrict, which is even more dangerous. Instead, one should calm down and slow down their breathing, pause for 10 to 20 seconds until the air is sufficient, then inhale while drinking warm water. This will not harm the body and allow the lungs and heart to exchange air smoothly.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee gave an example that for patients with severe asthma, Western medicine generally prescribes corticosteroids or adrenal cortex hormones, while traditional Chinese medicine believes that “deficiency of kidney Qi” will lead to dyspnea and chest tightness. In addition, if a person easily feels weak-willed, lacks fighting spirit, is impatient, irritable, and has poor resistance to stress, it is all related to poor kidney function and deficiency of kidney energy. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine does not start from the heart but rather treats the liver and kidneys.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes holistic therapy and combines the principles of yin and yang and the five elements

Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes the principle of treating diseases in relation to the body’s yin-yang and five-element theory. According to Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, “TCM treatment focuses on holistic therapy. For example, if a patient has nasal congestion, it is believed that the large intestine is too cold, and the body’s ability to withstand temperature differences is poor. Therefore, the treatment should not only focus on the nose but also on the overall qi of the body, including the lung meridian and large intestine meridian. If a patient has tinnitus, it is related to the kidney meridian and small intestine meridian. Thus, the human body has many wonderful interactive relationships, and this is the advantage of TCM.”

Western medicine treats diseases with blood tests, X-rays, CT scans, and other examinations, as well as chemical drugs. In contrast, traditional Chinese medicine relies on the “four diagnostic methods” (inspection, auscultation, inquiry, and palpation) and the use of Chinese herbal medicine. According to Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, although Chinese herbal medicine cannot be mass-produced like Western medicine, its ingredients are natural products from the natural world, and Taiwan’s Chinese herbal medicine technology is world-class. Patients in Taiwan are fortunate to have access to both medical systems, which can work together to achieve health goals.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Ka-Ching Kwan and Hong-Qi Wu reports

Sheng-pu Health & Wellness

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