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The liver is an important part of human health Chinese medicine emphasizes the stabilization of the inner small circumference of the solid body

The mayor of New York City recently banned the sale of sugary drinks over 16 ounces (453 grams) in order to reduce the incidence of obesity and help people live a long and healthy life. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, the director of Sheng-Pu Chinese Clinic, said that in fact, the cause of obesity and unhealthiness is not only the problem of sugar, but mainly due to the low temperature of sugar added to ice water. These are all attributed to the health of the liver, if the liver can be properly maintained, the body’s nutritional chemistry “small circumference” run smoothly, you can easily cope with the external “big circumference” of the rapid changes, so that people healthy and full of vitality.

Liver disease is a major killer of health in Taiwan, and is known as the “national disease” of Taiwan. Many people’s lives become bleak after suffering from liver disease, but in fact liver disease is mostly preventable and treatable. More and more patients with liver dysfunction are being treated by modern Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine to restore their liver health. These patients have also become more aware of the importance of liver health because they have been reborn after their illness.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said, thousands of years of Chinese medicine philosophy of health emphasizes the four seasons, the unity of nature and man. It means that the five elements of yin and yang in nature and the five internal organs of the human body are connected, and the human body first pays attention to the operation of the “Small Circumference”, so that the meridians are smooth, the yin and yang are harmonized, and the qi and blood can flow smoothly throughout the body, and then it can naturally respond to the external “Big Circumference” – such as celestial weather, magnetic field, energy and other changes in the movement of the astronomy.

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As “liver” in the five elements is wood, corresponding to spring, therefore, spring health care to “nourish the liver” as the first priority. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee explained that modern people are particularly prone to fatigue and lack of vitality, the reason for this is often the neglect of the “liver” regimen, which in turn leads to the imbalance in the operation of the “small circumference”, resulting in mental confusion, boredom, poor physical strength, lack of energy and other fatigue phenomenon.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, who has been studying the treatment of liver disease for more than 40 years, pointed out that the liver is a hard-working organ that is constantly carrying out complex biochemical functions, including the regulation, decomposition and storage of various nutrients. In this process, if the intake of too much cold food, affecting the normal digestion and decomposition function, resulting in some nutrients stagnant in the intestine, it may affect the biochemical role of the liver, metabolic function can not operate normally, and then cause the liver function of the obstacle.

In a more simple and understandable analogy, the liver is like the human body’s “kitchen”, food through frying, boiling, stir-frying, deep-frying, chilling, etc., different cooking methods use different temperatures to produce dishes with different nutritional composition; similarly, if a person is addicted to ice, the complex enzymes of the liver in the process of decomposition, may also be affected by the cold, and even affect the health of other organs of the body.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee mentioned that modern people are prone to allergic diseases such as nasal allergy, asthma, or atopic dermatitis, etc. According to the viewpoint of Chinese medicine, many of these patients have “liver” dysfunction. Naturally, we should not “treat the head when it hurts and treat the foot when it hurts”. We should find out the crux of the disease according to the patient’s physique and illness in order to treat the symptoms and truly solve the patient’s illness and pain.

In order to avoid increasing the burden and damage to the liver, to protect the liver should avoid taking alcohol, drugs, pickles, desserts, fried foods and other substances, if there are overweight, often stay up late, stress and other problems people should pay special attention. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee reminded everyone, more concerned about their daily lives and family members are easy to fatigue, always sleep, weakness, mental chaos, back pain and other body nutrient chemical imbalance, is also very important.

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/ Reporter Siau-Ya Huang reports 2013.03.26

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