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Nurture the Liver and Care for the Spleen, Enjoying the Spring Season

As the temperature gradually warms up in spring, it’s essential to be mindful of the fluctuating weather conditions, which can easily lead to physical and mental discomfort such as allergies, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the key to health maintenance this season lies in nurturing the liver and caring for the spleen. Balancing the vigorous liver fire and eliminating excess dampness and cold from the body are crucial. This can be achieved through a combination of adjusting the diet to include refreshing foods, which boosts immunity and eliminates accumulated toxins. Unlike the winter season, where conserving energy is advised, spring is ideal for increased physical activity, promoting a cheerful mood, and ensuring holistic health—body, mind, and spirit. We have curated a selection of health products tailored for your well-being, enabling you to embrace spring with vitality and start the year on a positive note.


Sheng-pu Health & Wellness

ZH Chinese

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