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Spleen (Digestion system)

Spleen (Digestion system)

Spleen (Digestion system)

The “spleen” and “stomach” form a superficial relationship, in which the stomach is responsible for digestion, the spleen is responsible for absorption, plus the large and small intestines, the complete digestive system.

Stomach and Liver

The relationship between liver and stomach is closely linked, in order to have a healthy stomach you need to treasure your liver! Normal metabolism of the liver, gastrointestinal nutrients sent to the liver to decompose, after decomposition that is sent

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Stomach and Temperature

Ice drinks will lower the temperature in the stomach, lowering the amount of heat in the body. Ice drinks will lower the temperature in the stomach, lowering the amount of heat in the body, causing the blood to dissipate heat

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Gastrointestinal Functions

The stomach and intestines are important organs in the body for the digestion and absorption of food, and they are closely related to the liver. The stomach and intestines are important organs in the body for the digestion and absorption

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Gastrointestinal and Life

The “gastrointestinal” system is the source of vital energy, and the “gastrointestinal” system is the source of the joy of eating. Stomach and intestines are the fundamentals for the vitality of the whole body. Muscles and bones of the body.

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Gastrointestinal and Obesity

Negative gastrointestinal disorder, poor peristalsis and poor nutritional combustion. Gastrointestinal bias negative, gastrointestinal peristalsis is more often poor, poor nutritional burn, less mobile, easy to sleep, blood three high with age, waist and hip fat hoarding, eating and drinking often

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Gastrointestinal and Geriatric Diseases

Obesity starts after forty due to insufficient stomach yang, resulting in gastrointestinal accumulation and weak peristalsis. Stomach and Yang deficiency cold gastrointestinal Yin excess nutrition accumulation of people over forty body type began to obese due to deficiency of stomach

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